3D Cursors

The Probe, 2D, Contour, and Image tabs provide support for positioning a 3D cursor in the scene.  This is useful for determining the coordinates of particular features in the scene, and finding the values of variables at such points.  There is also support in the Iso panel for calculating an isosurface through a selected point in the scene.

To enable the 3D cursor, choose either Probe, 2D, Contours, or Image Mode.  It is not necessary to enable rendering, although the rendered image may be useful in positioning the cursor. Select points (with left mouse clicks) in the image plane of the tab.  There is a 2D cursor in the tab indicating the selected point.  You will note that a 3D cursor will also be displayed in the 3D scene at the corresponding position.  The 3D coordinates of the point in the scene will be displayed in the tab.  If the renderer is enabled, the value of the rendered variable at the point will be displayed.  If the data is georeferenced, the latitude/longitude coordinates of the point are also shown.