VAPOR installation includes the Python modules numpy and scipy.

In addition VAPOR provides three pre-installed Python modules for use in the VAPOR Python environment, fully documented in the VAPOR Python Guide. Your scripts should import these modules if you need them in your namespace.  These modules are the following:

vapor_utils : Contains methods that are generally useful with VAPOR data analysis, such as derivative operators and vector operators.

vapor_wrf : Contains methods that are useful with analysis of weather data, especially WRF-ARW data analysis.  These include methods for calculating cloud-top temperature, radar reflectivity, equivalent potential temperature, potential vorticity, sea-level temperature, dewpoint temperature, relative humidity, wind shear, and temperature in degrees Kelvin.  Some additional derivative and interpolation operators are provided for operating on data on a layered grid.

vapor : This is an internal module (only accessible from Python scripts executed in VAPOR).  It provides a variety of methods and constants defined in the VAPOR python environment, such as the data and grid extents, level of detail, plus methods for retrieving 2D and 3D variables as data arrays. 

For a quick summary of these methods, the help documentation can be viewed from the VAPOR Python editor.  For example to see the contents of the vapor_wrf module, type the following into a python script:

import vapor_wrf


And then click "Test".