Instructions for installing VAPOR (on Windows, Mac, or Linux) are on the VAPOR website. For convenience we provide here the directions for installing VAPOR on a Linux system.
If VAPOR has already been installed on your system, try to execute "vaporgui" from a shell. If the application launches OK, you can skip this step. If VAPOR does not launch, you will need to set up the vapor environment by performing step "d." below.
To install VAPOR on a Linux system, perform the following steps:
a. Download the appropriate vapor binary installer package from the VAPOR download page. On a 32-bit Linux system, this is vapor-2.x.x-Linux_i386.tar.gz, where 2.x.x is the current version. On a 64-bit Linux system, this is vapor-2.x.x-Linux_x86_64.tar.gz .
b. Perform the following commands (with a 32-bit system) to prepare for installation:
c. Run the vapor-install.csh installation script, supplying the single argument specifying the directory where vapor is to be installed, for example:
d. Before you run any of the VAPOR tools, or the VAPOR user interface, you must set up your shell environment for running VAPOR. Let "vapor_home" indicate the directory where vapor is installed.
source vapor_home/bin/vapor-setup.csh
. vapor_home/bin/
So that you don't have to issue this command every time you run VAPOR in a new shell, you can place the above command in your .login script (C -shell) or .profile script (other shells). However note that putting this command in the .login or .profile script may conflict with other environments (e.g. Python) invoked in other shells.