Customize a Jupyter Docker Image#
The Jupyter environment spun up for the users can be customized by building on top of the base Jupyter Docker image. For this use case the docker-stacks-foundation image from Jupyter is used. That image is built from ubuntu:22.04.
This example Dockerfile has comments inline to explain what the lines are doing
The following Dockerfile is built automatically anytime there is a push to the directory where it is stored via GitHub actions. Setting up a GitHub action to build and push a Docker image to Docker Hub can be viewed at the Setup GitHub Action section. It also installs a base conda environment that you can read more about here
Along with the environment.yml and requirements.txt files this also copies .bashrc
, .condarc
, and .profile
. This is to activate the cisl-cloud-base
conda environment, setup conda to place new environments on persistent storage on ~/.conda/
, and to utilize bashrc respectively.
There are scripts that are also copied to the container. These were all taken directly from the jupyter/base-notebook repository. The only changes have been to the
file in order to make some additional customizations.
# Borrowed heavily from the base-notebook Dockerfile by Jupyter
# The shell scripts and python modules were developed by the Jupyter Development Team
# This image provides a custom environment.yml and requirements.txt as well as
# having some customizations injected into this Dockerfile
# The base image used is the docker-stacks-foundation by Jupyter
FROM jupyter/docker-stacks-foundation:latest
# Update version here and on the .github/workflow/build-push-basenb.yaml before pushing changes to the repo
LABEL maintainer="CISL Cloud Pilot Team <>" version="v1-stable"
ENV CONDA_ENV=cisl-cloud-base
# Fix:
# Fix:
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
USER root
# Install all OS dependencies for notebook server that starts but lacks all
# features (e.g., download as all possible file formats)
RUN apt-get update --yes && \
apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \
curl \
cmake \
csh \
emacs \
fonts-dejavu \
fonts-liberation \
g++ \
gcc \
gfortran \
git \
# R pre-requisites
libperl-dev \
libsnappy-dev \
libstdc++-12-dev \
make \
nodejs \
npm \
pandoc \
vim \
# - pandoc is used to convert notebooks to html files
# it's not present in aarch64 ubuntu image, so we install it here
# - run-one - a wrapper script that runs no more
# than one unique instance of some command with a unique set of arguments,
# we use `run-one-constantly` to support `RESTARTABLE` option
run-one && \
apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install Jupyter Notebook, Lab, and Hub
# Generate a notebook server config
# Cleanup temporary files
# Correct permissions
# Do all this in a single RUN command to avoid duplicating all of the
# files across image layers when the permissions change
# GitHub Build
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/environment.yml configs/jupyter/base-notebook/requirements.txt /tmp/
# Local Build
#COPY environment.yml requirements.txt /tmp/
RUN mamba install --quiet --yes \
# NodeJS >= 18.0 is required for `jupyter lab build` command
'nodejs>=18.0' \
'notebook' \
'jupyterhub' \
'jupyterlab==3.6.3' \
'conda-forge::nb_conda_kernels' && \
# Pin NodeJS
echo 'nodejs >=18.0' >> "${CONDA_DIR}/conda-meta/pinned" && \
# nb_conda_kernels is required to save user environments as custom user notebook kernels that persist
# Create a kernel named cisl-cloud-base from the environment.yml file
mamba env update --name "${CONDA_ENV}" -f environment.yml && \
pip install -r requirements.txt && \
jupyter notebook --generate-config && \
mamba clean --all -f -y && \
npm cache clean --force && \
jupyter lab clean && \
rm -rf "/home/${NB_USER}/.cache/yarn" && \
fix-permissions "${CONDA_DIR}" && \
fix-permissions "/home/${NB_USER}"
# Configure container startup
CMD [""]
# GitHub Actions Build
# Copy local files as late as possible to avoid cache busting
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/scripts/ configs/jupyter/base-notebook/scripts/ /usr/local/bin/
# Currently need to have both jupyter_notebook_config and jupyter_server_config to support classic and lab
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/scripts/ configs/jupyter/base-notebook/scripts/ /etc/jupyter/
# Local Build
#COPY scripts/ scripts/ /usr/local/bin/
#COPY scripts/ scripts/ /etc/jupyter/
# Fix permissions on /etc/jupyter as root
USER root
RUN rm -rf /tmp/environment.yml && \
rm -rf /tmp/requirements.txt
# Legacy for Jupyter Notebook Server, see: [#1205](
RUN sed -re "s/c.ServerApp/c.NotebookApp/g" \
/etc/jupyter/ > /etc/jupyter/ && \
fix-permissions /etc/jupyter/
# Used to allow folder deletions
RUN sed -i 's/c.FileContentsManager.delete_to_trash = False/c.FileContentsManager.always_delete_dir = True/g' /etc/jupyter/
# HEALTHCHECK documentation:
# This healtcheck works well for `lab`, `notebook`, `nbclassic`, `server` and `retro` jupyter commands
HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=3s --start-period=5s --retries=3 \
CMD /etc/jupyter/ || exit 1
# GitHub Build
# Copy the .condarc file to allow for saving of user custom conda environments
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/config/.condarc /opt/conda/
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/config/.profile /.bash_profile
COPY configs/jupyter/base-notebook/config/.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc
# Local Build
#COPY config/.condarc /opt/conda/
#COPY config/.profile /.bash_profile
#COPY config/.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc
# Switch back to jovyan to avoid accidental container runs as root
pip is used to install the following Jupyter extensions so they are available in the base image irregardless of the conda enviornment that is active.