VAPOR provides a collection of built-in transfer functions. To use one of these, click on the button "Load Installed TF" below any of the transfer function editors. The built-in transfer functions (all are in files of type ".vtf") include:
- default.vtf, defaultOpaque.vtf : These are the transfer functions that VAPOR uses by default. defaultOpaque.vtf is of constant opacity 1 and is used in most tabs, except the DVR is initially using default.vtf. These have a rainbow color going from red to violet.
- reversed.vtf and reversedOpaque.vtf are color-reversed versions of the default transfer functions. The color goes from violet to red.
- greyscale.vtf uses a grey scale going from black to white.
- Most of the remaining transfer functions are derived from the maps (of similar name) that are available in NCL.