
For dropsondes, Aspen derives a surface data point from the last data received by the sonde, assumed to be soon before the sonde hits the surface and stops transmitting. However, newer sondes sometimes continue to transmit data after the sonde hits the surface of the water. In this case, the user will need to remove data after the sonde hits the surface to ensure QC data is correct. Aspen attempts to identify sondes that will need manual intervention at the end of drop to be able to warn users with a popup.


If any of the following cases are true Aspen flags the sounding as containing post-splash data:

  • If the last recorded pressure is over 1mb less than the maximum pressure calculated over the last 60 data points.
  • If there is a gap of 1 second or more between good values in the number of satellites series during the last 15 seconds of drop.
  • If the last good data in the number of satellites series is more than 1 second before the last good data received from the sonde.


NCAR/EOL (Isabel Suhr).

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