
Bspline smoothing is applied to pressure, temperature, RH, and winds series. The smoothing wavelength used in the Bspline for each series can be set with configuration parameters.


A Bspline curve is generated on the series using the given smoothing wavelength. Values in the original data series are replaced with the Bspline smoothed values.

Winds (dropsonde only)

For dropsondes, near-surface winds are smoothed with a smaller wavelength to preserve abrupt changes in winds. Two smoothed series are produced for each wind component: one smoothed with wavelength WindSmoothWL, and another with wavelength BlendLength. Near the surface (i.e. for points that are less than BlendLength seconds from the end of the series), the following blending algorithm is used:

\(w_{final} = factor \times w_{windsmoothwl} + (1 - factor) * w_{blendlength}\\\) where \(factor = \frac{timeLast - timeThis}{blendlength}\)

Pressure (dropsonde only)

The smoothed pressure series is blended with a higher-frequency smoothed series near the surface in the same way that winds are. The Aspen config parameter BlendLength is used for the higher-frequency series wavelength for both winds and pressure.


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