1: Set up a BGC case#
We will create two different cases and compare the case directories. We want to check if the differences make sense. You will NOT run the model in this challenge exercise.
Create a case called b_1850 using the compset B1850
at f19_g17
Create a case called b_1850_bprp using the compset B1850_BPRP
at f19_g17
What happens when you run create_newcase? Follow the instructions to get this working, but don’t do it for real unless you know what you’re doing.
Run case.setup and preview_namelists for each case.
What changes occur when the carbon cycle is made prognostic?
POP BGC Specific Output#
selected ocean ecosys variables at daily resolution
surface flux related, productivity, and functional group vertical integrals.
selected three dimensional ocean ecosys tracer budget terms.