Tutorial one time setup#

Setting up your NCAR HPC environment#

Every time you log onto the NCAR HPC you want to ensure you have the correct modules loaded.

NOTE: The next section describes how to use a file that loads the modules necessary for those attending the in-person tutorial. Once you set up your environment you should not have to do it again for the remainder of the tutorial. Every time you login to NCAR HPC these files will automatically be sourced. However, if you intend to use NCAR HPC after the tutorial you may need to modify your `.profile` or `.tcshrc` file to load the correct modules, project numbers, or queues.

SHELL environment#

To determine what shell environment you are using on the NCAR HPC, type the following command:

echo $SHELL

If the command returns, you are a bash user /bin/bash

If the command returns, you are a cshell user /bin/tcsh

NOTE: All new NCAR HPC accounts default to bash.

Bash users#

NOTE: You may already have a .profile file in your home directory.

  • If you have an existing .profile file and do not wish to overwrite its contents, please save your original .profile file to a new filename before copying the tutorial .profile file into your home directory.

  • Alternatively, you could copy the contents of the tutorial profile file into your existing .profile file using a text editor. (see special instructions below)

One-time setup#

To set up your environment for the tutorial, follow the following three steps:

Copy over the .profile file into your home directory:

cp /glade/campaign/cesm/tutorial/tutorial_2024_env/profile ~/.profile

Source the file:

source ~/.profile

Tcsh users#

NOTE: You should already have a .tcshrc file in your home directory. If you do not wish to overwrite the existing .tcshrc file, please save this file to a new name OR copy the contents of the /glade/campaign/cesm/tutorial/tutorial_2024_env/tcshrc file to your .tcshrc file using a text editor.

One-time setup#

To set up your environment for the tutorial, follow the following three steps:

Copy over the .tcshrc file to your home directory:

cp /glade/campaign/cesm/tutorial/tutorial_2024_env/tcshrc ~/.tcshrc

Source the file:

source ~/.tcshrc

If you have any trouble#

Please ask for help if you are having trouble with this step!

The modules necessary for this tutorial and loaded through these files are:

  • ncarenv

  • intel

  • ncl

  • nco

  • ncview

  • netcdf

Special instructions (if you already had an account on derecho)#

If you already have a .profile or .tcsh and you do not wish to overwrite its contents, you need to add the following into your existing .profile or .tcsh using a text editor.


Add to your .profile:

export PROJECT=UESM0013         #<- This should never change over the course of the tutorial

Source the file:

source ~/.profile


Add to your .tcshrc:

setenv PROJECT UESM0013         #<-This should never change over the course of the tutorial

Source the file:

source ~/.tcshrc