UNIX cheatsheet

UNIX cheatsheet#

This Unix commands cheat sheet summarizes a few basic commands you will need during the tutorial.

You can also find a lot of resources online.

Command Description Options Examples
ls List files and directories. -l: Long format listing.
-a: Include hidden files.
ls -l
displays files and directories with detailed information.

ls -a shows all files and directories, including hidden ones.
cd Change directory. N/A cd /path/to/directory
changes the current directory to the specified path.
pwd Print current working directory. N/A pwd
displays the current working directory.
mkdir Create a new directory. N/A mkdir my_directory
creates a new directory named "my_directory".
rm Remove files and directories. -r: Remove directories recursively.
-f: Force removal without confirmation.
rm file.txt
deletes the file named "file.txt".
rm -r my_directory
deletes the directory "my_directory" and its contents.
rm -f file.txt
forcefully deletes the file "file.txt" without confirmation.
cp Copy files and directories. -r: Copy directories recursively. cp -r directory destination
copies the directory "directory" and its contents to the specified destination.
cp file.txt destination
copies the file "file.txt" to the specified destination.
mv Move/rename files and directories. N/A mv file.txt new_name.txt
renames the file "file.txt" to "new_name.txt".
mv file.txt directory
moves the file "file.txt" to the specified directory.
find Search for files and directories. -name: Search by filename. find /path/to/search -name “*.txt”
searches for all files with the extension “.txt” in the specified directory.