3: Water isotope tracers in CESM#
Download (git clone
) isotope-enabled CESM1.3 (iCESM1.3; code available here), as the version of CESM used in this tutorial does not include water isotope capabilities.
Create, configure, build and run a fully coupled preindustrial case called b.e13.B1850.f19_g16.piControl.001
following CESM naming conventions including water isotope tracers.
Run for 1 year.
Click here for hints
What is the resolution for B1850?
Use resolution
for fast throughput
Which XML variable should you change to tell the model to run for one year?
How to check if each XML variable is modified correctly?
xmlquery -p
Click here for the solution
# Download iCESM1.3 code
cd /glade/u/home/$USER/code
git clone https://github.com/NCAR/iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires
cd iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires
# Set environment variables
Set environment variables with the commands:
For tcsh users
set CASENAME=b.e13.B1850C5.f19_g16.piControl.001
set CASEDIR=/glade/u/home/$USER/cases/$CASENAME
set RUNDIR=/glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/$CASENAME/run
set COMPSET=B1850C5
set RESOLUTION=f19_g16
Note: You should use the project number given for this tutorial.
For bash users
export CASENAME=b.e13.B1850C5.f19_g16.piControl.001
export CASEDIR=/glade/u/home/$USER/cases/$CASENAME
export RUNDIR=/glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/$CASENAME/run
export COMPSET=B1850C5
export RESOLUTION=f19_g16
export PROJECT=UESM0013
Note: You should use the project number given for this tutorial.
# Make a case directory
If needed create a directory cases
into your home directory:
mkdir /glade/u/home/$USER/cases/
# Create a new case
Create a new case with the command create_newcase
cd /glade/u/home/$USER/code/iCESM1.3_iHESP_hires/cime/scripts/
./create_newcase --case $CASEDIR --res $RESOLUTION --compset $COMPSET --project $PROJECT --run-unsupported
# Change the job queue
If needed, change job queue
For instance, to run in the queue main
./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=main
This step can be redone at anytime in the process before running case.submit
# Setup
Invoke case.setup
with the command:
You build the namelists with the command:
This step is optional as the script preview_namelists
is automatically called by case.build
and case.submit
. But it is nice to check that your changes made their way into:
# Set run length
./xmlchange STOP_N=1,STOP_OPTION=nyears
# Build the run
qcmd -A $PROJECT -- ./case.build
# Which namelist variables enable water isotope tracers?
Notice that the steps to set up this isotope-enabled preindustrial simulation are very similar to a preindustrial simulation without isotopes (e.g., Paleo Exercise 1)
In iCESM1.3, it is assumed you will run with water isotope tracers so each compset include isotope settings by default
to explore howFLDS_WISO
differ between this iCESM1.3 case and that of Exercise 1Also, take a look at namelist settings for each CESM component with variables that contain
# Submit the run
# Check on your run
After submitting the job, use qstat -u $USER
to check the status of your job.
# Check your solution
When the run is completed, look at the history files into the archive directory.
(1) Check that your archive directory on derecho (The path will be different on other machines):
cd /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/archive/$CASENAME/atm/hist
As your run is one-year, there should be 12 monthly files (h0
) for each model component.
Success! Let’s plot the results.
Click here to visualize results
————— Option 1 —————
# Use NCO to calculate the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation
The ratio of heavy (
= ratio of to in sample = ratio of to in a standard
Thus, the
In isotope-enabled CESM, the relative abundances of
ncdump /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/$CASENAME/atm/hist/$CASENAME.cam.h0.0001-01.nc | less
to check the definition of each isotope variable aboveFor example, search for
using/PRECRC_H218Or + <enter>
To calculate the δ18O of precipitation from the simulation using NCO,
cd /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/archive/$CASENAME/atm/hist
ncap2 -s 'd18Op=((PRECRC_H218Or+PRECSC_H218Os+PRECRL_H218OR+PRECSL_H218OS)/(PRECRC_H216Or+PRECSC_H216Os+PRECRL_H216OR+PRECSL_H216OS) - 1)*1000.' -v $CASENAME.cam.h0.0001-12.nc d18Op.$CASENAME.cam.h0.0001-12.nc
# Use Ncview to visualize precipitation
Earth’s orbital configuration influences incoming solar insolation.
Take a look at the d18Op
variable we calculated for 1 month in the pre-industrial run.
module load ncview
ncview d18Op.$CASENAME.cam.h0.0001-12.nc
————— Option 2 —————
# Use Python to calculate and plot the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation
The following Python code will produce a plot of precipitation δ18O for 1 month.
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point
def calculate_d18Op(ds):
# Compute precipitation δ18O with iCESM output
# Parameters
# ds: xarray.Dataset contains necessary variables
# Returns
# ds: xarray.Dataset with δ18O added
# convective & large-scale rain and snow, respectively
p16O = ds.PRECRC_H216Or + ds.PRECSC_H216Os + ds.PRECRL_H216OR + ds.PRECSL_H216OS
p18O = ds.PRECRC_H218Or + ds.PRECSC_H218Os + ds.PRECRL_H218OR + ds.PRECSL_H218OS
# avoid dividing by small number here
p18O = p18O.where(p16O > 1.E-18, 1.E-18)
p16O = p16O.where(p16O > 1.E-18, 1.E-18)
d18O = (p18O / p16O - 1.0) * 1000.0
ds['p16O'] = p16O
ds['p18O'] = p18O
ds['d18O'] = d18O
return ds
# Read in monthly file
case = 'b.e13.B1850C5.f19_g16.piControl.001'
file = '/glade/derecho/scratch/macarew/archive/'+case+'/atm/hist/'+case+'.cam.h0.0001-12.nc'
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(file, parallel=True,
# Call function to add preciptation d18O to dataset
ds = calculate_d18Op(ds)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
nrows=1, ncols=1,
figsize=(6, 2),
subplot_kw={'projection': ccrs.Robinson(central_longitude=210)},
d18O_new, lon_new = add_cyclic_point(ds.d18O[0,:,:], ds.lon)
# Plot model results using contourf
p0 = ax.contourf(lon_new, ds.lat, d18O_new,
levels=np.linspace(-30, 0, 16), extend='both',
plt.colorbar(p0, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Dec δ18Op of PI')
————— Questions for reflection —————
Do you notice any spatial patterns in precipitation