Tutorial queue and account#

Tutorial Project Account#

You should have access to project account UESM0013 and use this for your simulations.

You can change the account in your case directory using the following command:

./xmlchange PROJECT=UESM0013

Special Queues#

Schedule for Tutorial Reservation Queues

  • We have a special queue tutorial during the lab sessions to ensure you get through the derecho queues quickly and get your jobs run. This queue are only active during our lab sessions.

  • Outside the lab sessions, you should use the queue main to run cesm.

If you need to change the value for a run, you can change the reservation queue in your case directory using the following command:

During the lab sessions:

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=tutorial --force

Outside the lab sessions:

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=main --force

Compiling in the Special Queue#

By default, we compile cesm on a shared node called develop. However, as we want to avoid long wait time during the labs, we will compile in the specialed reservation queue tutorial.

During the lab sessions, use

qcmd -q tutorial -- ./case.build 

Outside the lab sessions, use

qcmd -- ./case.build