6: Adjust threshold for deep convection over land#

The purpose of this exercise is to add a code change to the deep convection to delay the initiation of convection. This is done by increasing the minimum required convective available potential energy (CAPE) to initiate convection over land.

Exercise: Effects of delaying the initiation of convection

Create a case similar to control case but add code to delay the initiation of convection over land by increasing the minimum required convective available potential energy (CAPE) to initiate convection.

Increase orographic height over the western US

Figure: CAPE.

Create, configure, build and run a case called f2000.cape with the compset F2000climo at the resolution f09_f09_mg17 using the same history file output as in the control.
Run for 5 days.

Click here for hints

How do I output 3 hourly instantaneous variables?

  • Use namelist variables: nhtfrq, mfilt, fincl.

  • For more information, look at the chapter:
    NAMELIST MODIFICATIONS -> Customize CAM output

Where do I change threshold for CAPE?

  • Look for the file zm_conv.F90 into the cesm code

Click here for the solution

# Set environment variables

Set environment variables with the commands:

Tcsh user

set CASENAME=f2000.cape
set CASEDIR=/glade/u/home/$USER/cases/$CASENAME
set RUNDIR=/glade/scratch/$USER/$CASENAME/run
set COMPSET=F2000climo
set RESOLUTION=f19_f19_mg17

bash user

export CASENAME=f2000.cape
export CASEDIR=/glade/u/home/$USER/cases/$CASENAME
export RUNDIR=/glade/scratch/$USER/$CASENAME/run
export COMPSET=F2000climo
export RESOLUTION=f19_f19_mg17

# Create a new case

Create a new case with the command create_newcase:

cd /glade/work/$USER/code/my_cesm_code/cime/scripts/
./create_newcase --case $CASEDIR --res $RESOLUTION --compset $COMPSET 

# Change the job queue and account number

If needed, change job queue and account number.
For instance, to run in the queue regular and the project number UESM0011. You should use the project number given for this tutorial.

./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=regular,PROJECT=UESM0011

This step can be redone at anytime in the process.

# Setup

Invoke case.setup with the command:


# Modify code

  • copy zm_conv.F90 into the SourceMods/src.cam directory and modify it

cp /glade/work/$USER/code/my_cesm_code/components/cam/src/physics/cam/zm_conv.F90 SourceMods/src.cam
  • In the subroutine zm_convr

Replace the code:

if (cape(i) > capelmt) then 
 lengath = lengath + 1 
 ideep(lengath) = i 
 end if


if (landfrac(i) > 0.5_r8) then
    capelmt_mask = 10._r8*capelmt
    capelmt_mask = capelmt
end if

if (cape(i) > capelmt_mask) then 
    lengath = lengath + 1 
    deep(lengath) = i 
end if

write(iulog,*) 'HELLO WORLD'

  • Near the top of subroutine zm_convr:

Add the line

real(r8) :: capelmt_mask

right after:

real(r8) pblt(pcols) 	

# Customize namelists

Edit the file user_nl_cam and add the lines:

nhtfrq(2) = -3
mfilt(2) = 240
fincl2 = 'TS:I','PS:I', 'U850:I','T850:I','PRECT:I','LHFLX:I','SHFLX:I','FLNT:I','FLNS:I'

You can do this with a text editor. Alternatively, you can use the echo command:

echo "nhtfrq(2) = -3">> user_nl_cam    
echo "mfilt(2) = 240">> user_nl_cam
echo "fincl2 = 'TS:I','PS:I', 'U850:I','T850:I','PRECT:I','LHFLX:I','SHFLX:I','FLNT:I','FLNS:I'">> user_nl_cam
echo "">> user_nl_cam    

You build the namelists with the command:


This step is optional as the script preview_namelists is automatically called by case.build and case.submit. But it is nice to check that your changes made their way into:


# Set run length

If needed, change the run length. If you want to run 5 days, you don’t have to do this, as 5 days is the default.

./xmlchange STOP_N=5,STOP_OPTION=ndays

# Build and submit:

qcmd -- ./case.build

# Check your solution

When the run is completed, look at the history files into the archive directory.

(1) Check that your archive directory on cheyenne (The path will be different on other machines):

cd /glade/scratch/$USER/archive/$CASENAME/atm/hist

As your run is only 5-day, there should be no monthly file (h0)

(2) Look at the contents of the h1 files using ncdump.

  • The file should contain the instantaneous output in the file h1 for the variables:

        float FLNS(time, lat, lon) ;
                FLNS:Sampling_Sequence = "rad_lwsw" ;
                FLNS:units = "W/m2" ;
                FLNS:long_name = "Net longwave flux at surface" ;
        float FLNT(time, lat, lon) ;
                FLNT:Sampling_Sequence = "rad_lwsw" ;
                FLNT:units = "W/m2" ;
                FLNT:long_name = "Net longwave flux at top of model" ;
        float LHFLX(time, lat, lon) ;
                LHFLX:units = "W/m2" ;
                LHFLX:long_name = "Surface latent heat flux" ;
        float PRECT(time, lat, lon) ;
                PRECT:units = "m/s" ;
                PRECT:long_name = "Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)" ;
        float PS(time, lat, lon) ;
                PS:units = "Pa" ;
                PS:long_name = "Surface pressure" ;
        float SHFLX(time, lat, lon) ;
                SHFLX:units = "W/m2" ;
                SHFLX:long_name = "Surface sensible heat flux" ;
        float T850(time, lat, lon) ;
                T850:units = "K" ;
                T850:long_name = "Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface" ;
        float TS(time, lat, lon) ;
                TS:units = "K" ;
                TS:long_name = "Surface temperature (radiative)" ;
        float U850(time, lat, lon) ;
                U850:units = "m/s" ;
                U850:long_name = "Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface" ;

Note that these variables have no cell_methods attribute becasue the output is instantaneous.